- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Malcolm Conway
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:27/01/10
Details: Malcolm Conway has been scanning his slide collection and has very kindly sent me lots of views of service vehicles from London and beyond. The latter include some very unusual looking beasts but I am staying nearer to home today with a well-known vehicle. As Malcolm pointed out, we had not previously shown it in this particular livery though. To recap, time-expired Land Rover 1761LR was overhauled by the apprentices at Acton Works in the early 1980s and repainted red. It spent the rest of the decade as a semi-preserved vehicle at Clapham and (later) Norwood garages. Although almost 20 years old, it then found a role as a response vehicle based at North Street garage in Romford. This photo was taken at the Hainault Street bus stand in Ilford on 27th September 1991, by which time it had gained East London unit logos and a grey skirt. It was later repainted green with Stagecoach logos. There have been no reports of this vehicle being seen since 1999, although it apparently remained licensed until 2007.
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