- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:29/05/10
Details: I would be very surprised if this did not turn out to be a service vehicle, as it has a light-bar and tyre pressure markings. Coming down Bollo Lane towards Acton Works on 10th May 2010, RO10ZHG is the first example seen of the 'facelifted' Volkswagen Transporter T5 series. The changes made are quite subtle, the best visual clues being the different shaped mirrors, and that the bottom edge of the bonnet is now straighter. Actually, this is not the first T5 facelift to be shown! Similar RV10CYZ was photographed nearby on the 1st of March, although that van may not actually be a service vehicle. As I said at the time, some red VW vans are expected, to replace similar 4-year old vans in the London Buses Infrastructure fleet.
Update 01/06/10. I now have a photo of this van in full LBSL ID livery as 6902VW.
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