- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:17/07/10
Details: I mentioned recently that I was considering removing some contractors vehicles from the database, namely those of Almex and the recovery firms (other than Sovereign). More recently I have been having second thoughts. The database is fairly flexible and could handle expansion rather than contraction. It should be possible to include vehicles from other firms connected with London Buses / London Underground, and perhaps even non-London service vehicles. I am open to persuasion on this so, if you have any views, let me know. One of the firms that could be included is Dougland, responsible for cleaning bus stations. They run quite a few silver vans, including Renault Kangoos and larger Trafics, such as HX56AHK seen leaving Liverpool Street on 28th June 2010. Perhaps the criteria could be whether or not LT roundels are carried...
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