- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Damon Cross
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:03/10/12
Details: The other two motorcycles recently acquired by Stagecoach were both parked at West Ham garage on 22nd September 2012. Open-top bus tours to this garage were being run on that day from Leyton Garage. Having just missed a Southdown Leyland PD3 I decided not to bother with the tour, and hence missed seeing these machines. Unfortunately the identities are not yet known.
Comments (Most recent at top)
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
Thomas YoungWe now know that one of these two is RY54NDJ, just don't ask me which one it is! However, nobody has come forward with the identity of the other.Fri 23/11/12, 23:15