- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Various
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:01/09/14
Details: Coverage of vehicles in the number range 7101 to 7200 is also quite high, with photos of 72 different vehicles held on file. Note that there are two vehicles numbered (officially and physically) 7198, one of which was probably meant to be 7193. Confusingly, the number 7193 did appear, on the van that is officially 7163! Although there is a great variety in the types of vehicle, this number range did feature a couple of large blocks of allocations. 7104 to 7130 (apart from 7117 and 7123) were all at Lillie Bridge, while 7166 to 7198 (less 7192 and 7193) were all for the Tube Lines lifts and escalators section.
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