- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Colin Lloyd
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:17/03/04
Details: The truck that wants to be a train! Besides the road fleet, London Underground operates a number of railway vehicles in the support role. Locomotives used to haul engineers trains are numbered in the Lxx series and have included steam, diesel, battery and electric powered examples. When a Mercedes-Benz Unimog road/rail vehicle was bought in 1983, it was decided to number it in the railway series and it became L84, as seen in this photograph taken at Acton Works on 1st August 1991. Classified as a depot shunter, L84 (and similar L85) carry registration numbers to enable their use on public roads when necessary. The tiny rail wheels can be seen here in the raised position, in front of the front axle and behind the rear. On the bumper is an air pipe which would be used to operate the brakes of any train being moved, although the actual coupling is obscured. L84 and L85 are usually to be found at either Lillie Bridge or Ealing Common depots.
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Ben WilliamsWe'd love to use this on the website if possible please! Can someone put me in touch with the photographer please? Likewise any other road/rail vehicles. ThanksSun 24/10/10, 12:14