- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:28/06/15
Details: Yet another nice catch by Ray, this one being outside Acton Works on 11th June 2015. Heading into the works is Ford Transit electric van 7161F, one of four added to the fleet in 2011. Initially used by London Buses Infrastructure unit and carrying their red/orange livery, they were all out of use by the end of 2014. Three then spent several months parked in the lorry yard at Acton before having their markings removed in spring 2015. All three have expired MOTs, so perhaps 7161F was just making a short trip from Smallbills garage. Heading in the opposite direction is Mitsubishi i-MiEV car WX10JSZ. Coincidentally this is also one of four electric vehicles that later had their livery removed. New in 2010, they had orange stripes and TfL Streets lettering and worked from Chancel Street in Southwark. Moved to Acton in 2013 or 2014 and later de-lettered, their current operator is not known.
Comments (Most recent at top)
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
RayThe three in the lorry yard had (almost) gone by 11/7/2015 - one remained on the back of a trailer/low-loader along with one of the i-MiEVs. Sun 12/07/15, 22:03
RayAll four (7160F-7163F) have now been MOT'dSun 05/07/15, 20:36
RayThe Mitsubishi i-MiEV's are used by the DSM.Sun 28/06/15, 17:34