- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:20/12/17
Details: A very seasonal photo from Ray here. London had a couple of inches of snowfall during Sunday 10th December 2017, although it very kindly all disappeared before the Monday rush-hour. This photo is also topical because it shows some recent re-allocations. Go-Ahead London's Belvedere garage (which was really just a yard and an office) was closed operationally at the beginning of December 2017. Bus route 180 transferred to the new Morden Wharf base, while the 244 went to Bexleyheath. EK64CFY, the Ford Transit Connect crew van that used to serve route 244, went as well, and can be seen in the background here. It remained unlettered but now has an FB1 sign in the windows. The number FB2 was carried by Vauxhall Combo van HN13YMV, a vehicle which has had quite a complicated history. New to Northumerland Park Garage in unmarked red in 2013, it originally had no windows in the cargo doors. Windows were added by early 2014, then later that year the van was moved to the former Metrobus garage at Croydon. Here it gained Go-Ahead logos and the fleetnumber 9034, which is still carried but hidden by the snow in this view. It moved again to Bexleyheath in December 2017, although I am not sure why they need two vehicles. In contrast to the Ford, the Vauxhall had gained a depot code and a variety of labels, most of which seem to have come from buses. These include 'Mind your head when standing', 'Emergency Door Control', 'Stand clear of doors' plus what appears to be an Oyster notice and an OAP priority label!
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