- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:30/12/17
Details: The mobile canteen at the London Bus Museum is currently undergoing restoration, following the completion of work on its tractor unit 702B. During the open day held on 22nd October 2017, the trailer was tucked away in the workshop while 702B took part in the line-up outside. Most of the bodywork was still in undercoat, though the roof looked finished in the darker of the two shades of green these vehicles carried. The normal entrance is half-way along the nearside, and the smaller door in the front is believed to have been for emergency use only. The description of these trailers as being Scammell-Spurlings is slightly misleading. Scammell built the chassis and Spurlings the bodywork. Similarly the tractor units are usually referred to as Bedford-Scammells, even though the latter company's contribution was just the coupling.
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