- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/01/18
Details: A large batch of Ford Transit Custom crew vans was delivered for use by the Lifts and Escalators section based at Frank Pick House (Acton) in 2015. There were 23 in total, taking numbers 7911F to 7938F apart from 7930/7931 and 7936. 7933F was one of the vans that is not normally based at Acton, although it does make the odd appearance, as here on 5th August 2017. I should mention that, since the changes in the lorry yard at Acton Works, there is now a roadway through from Frank Pick House. Their vehicles can therefore be seen leaving via the main Works entrance.
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