- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Google
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:25/09/19
Details: Google Maps, in particular the aerial photograph facility, has been invaluable in our research into service vehicle locations. Recent developments meant I have been looking into the London Highways Alliance. A web search turned up an address of Naval Row, Blackwall, which I duly took a look at. Perched above the north portals of the Blackwall tunnel, this location comprises three areas. In the red building on the right is a small yard accessed from Naval Row (the road running vertically on the right in this view), while an even smaller yard sits between the two carriageways, and can presumably only be accessed when the tunnel is not open to traffic. A third yard is behind the newish brick building, and is also accessed from Naval Row. Changing the angle of the view revealed that the sole car in this yard was a Toyota Prius in the white/orange livery of TfL Streets, while the vehicles in the other areas appeared to be in Highways Alliance white. Without knowing the exact date the images these were taken, I could not be sure whether the Prius was a current one. However, it was notable that the last car remaining in white/orange (LS13EVV) had never been reported at Chancel Street, the main base for TfL Streets. The yard was at a higher level than the tunnel approaches, so StreetView images were no help. But it looked as though there was a footpath alongside the yard, under the trees in front of the large office building. I decided that, in this case, the location was worth a visit....
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