- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:27/04/20
Details: This vehicle started life as London Transport RLH44, one of the famous/infamous 'low-bridge' buses, with a sunken gangway on the offside upstairs. In 1971 it was rebuilt by London Country (LCBS) to serve as a uniform issue vehicle, being given fleetnumber 581J, in the odd number series used for large vehicles which started when three lorries intended to be London Transport 1578F to 1580F were delivered to the newly formed LCBS as 578F to 580F. Most of the windows and blind boxes were plated over, as was the open rear platform, access being via a new, hinged door in mid-wheelbase. Withdrawn in 1983 it was preserved and, unlike some similar conversions, was kept largely in its modified condition rather than being restored to original. The exceptions were that the front windows and blind-box were uncovered, along with one of the lower deck nearside windows. On 23rd February 2020 the vehicle was attending an event at the North Weald station of the Epping-Ongar heritage railway, once part of the London Underground network.
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