- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Ray Monk
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:28/11/20
Details: The new Berlin Brandenburg Airport was recently opened a staggering nine years later than originally planned. Construction work was in fact essentially completed in 2011 (including a new railway line and station), but various technical issues caused massive delays to the actual opening. This put me in mind of the Crossrail project, work on which has been continuing at a reduced rate during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of August 2020, the proposed date for opening of the central section of the Elizabeth Line is in the first half of 2022.

The white/blue/purple service vehicles do seem to be seeing some use, with visitors to the Plumstead depot finding a different set of vehicles present each time. Ford Transit crew van 8649F has been seen at Plumstead a few times, but for a better photo I have gone back to 18th December 2018, when the 2-month old van was parked in the car park at Acton Works. A gaggle of LUL Renault Kangoos were also present, while more interesting were the two Land Rover Defenders, believed to be LP15VJA and LP15VHN, latterly based at Arnos Grove.
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