- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: Derek Everson
Images should not be reused without permission.
Date added to site:22/05/21
Details: Another Nissan Leaf rear-end, also taken by Derek on 6th May 2021. There are two reasons for showing this view of 9103N. Firstly, this car has recently moved from Turnpike Lane (where three of the four cars were initially based) to Stratford Bus Station. With most LBSL vehicles at Stratford now being kept at the City bus station, this is perhaps the first SV to be allocated to the 'old' bus station since the departure of the infrastructure vans about three years ago. The second point is that 9103N has gained two additional rear labels, both of which refer to the fact that the vehicle is driven to the speed limit. This seems odd. Firstly, why have two different labels? Secondly, why promote the fact that you are not breaking the law?
Comments (Most recent at top)
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Thomas YoungDerek pointed out that the presence of an electric vehicle charging point adjacent to the orange building in the 'old' bus station is most likely the reason for the Nissan being here.Sun 23/05/21, 20:33