- London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
Photographer / Copyright: LTSV Collection
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Date added to site:25/09/21
Details: Although essentially similar, there is a fundamental difference between these two MAN TGM lorries seen in the lorry yard at Acton Works on 11th September 2021. LV66XYC on the left was new in late 2016 and is a normal lorry, while WU67AJX on the right was added about a year later and is an example of a demountable lorry. With these, the body (DB17 in this instance) is attached to the chassis using rails, and the two can be separated quite easily, allowing bodies to be changed to suit requirements. The main visual indicator of the demountable configuration is the telescopic leg fitted behind the rear wheels, this being used to support the body when the chassis is driven away. Both lorries have fold-away tail-lifts below the rear-ends (I need to update the database with this detail) and feature mesh drop-down panels. These have largely replaced solid metal drop-side doors on central fleet lorries in recent years and I initially classified such vehicles as flatbeds. The doors can be completely removed but I suppose they should still be listed as dropsides. Also just visible is larger MAN TGS lorry RV12OFK. This 3-axle lorry does retain solid dropsides, and can be recognised by the large folding crane fitted behind the cab.
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