LTSV > Service Vehicles > Photos > Photo 6174
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The lifts and escalators section based at Frank Pick House in Acton has had a pair of dropside trucks allocated in recent years, these being easy to see as they are normally parked parallel to the adjoining District and Piccadilly line tracks. The current allocation is 8810F (with tail-lift) and 8761F (without), both of which were at home on 18th January 2020. This photo shows the reason for describing such vehicles as dropsides, the sides of 8761F being dropped! A third dropside is in fact just visible, this being Mercedes Sprinter 8219 parked behind the fence in the left background. The fence marks the boundary between two locations, the area beyond being associated with Bollo House. Note the metal wheel in the gutter in front of 8810F. Given the work of this location, I suspect that this may be off an escalator.
Photo ID: 6174
Photo date: 18/01/2020 Size: Regular
Date added: 02/02/2020