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Profiles - Tanks
These are wagons for the transportation of liquid, fluid or gaseous cargoes, most having cylindrical barrels. The most numerous types are the 2-axle and bogie oil tanks built during the 1960s and 1970s. These replaced earlier generations of 2-axle tanks that had lower capacities and vacuum brakes. By their nature there is less variety among tank wagons and most were built to standardised designs and carried little in the way of livery (‘stained black’ being the most common!). Less common but perhaps more interesting were the plethora of other designs intended for the conveyance of substances ranging from deadly acids to milk, via carbon dioxide for your fizzy drinks. Competition from road hauliers and pipelines has seen a marked reduction in the amount of oil being moved by rail, and other traffics have seen similar declines. However, there have been some new builds of tanks in recent years, with new bogie wagons to replace worn-out types. Improved cleaning standards have also allowed brighter liveries to make an appearance.

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Last edited: 3/10/2007