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Page 1 of 142, showing results 1 to 100 of 14110, sorted by default.Page navigation:
IconActionsNumberRegTypeOperatorAllocationLiveryDate InDate Out

1EMY3025Associated Daimler 418 4-ton hand-operated Tipper LT -Green24/02/1930 06/09/1946 
2EMY3553Associated Daimler 418 4-ton hand-operated Tipper LT -Green14/03/1930 09/07/1940 
3EMY3918Associated Daimler 418 4-ton hand-operated Tipper LT -Green04/04/1930 06/09/1946 
4EMY4850Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red27/05/1930 14/06/1949 
5EHX386Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red11/06/1930 18/03/1949 
6EPL1484Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Green05/08/1930 14/06/1949 
7EHX581Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red28/06/1930 01/03/1949 
8EHX881Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red15/07/1930 07/11/1949 
9EMY4269Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red22/04/1930 07/11/1949 
10EMY4111Associated Daimler 418 6-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red12/04/1930 07/11/1949 
11SXD8396Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Ticket Van LT -Red06/1928 29/06/1940 
12SXH3365Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Ticket Van LT -Red07/1928 23/07/1940 
13SXL3796Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Ticket Van LT -Red06/1928 10/09/1940 
14SXL8953Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Ticket Van LT -Red06/1928 25/03/1946 
15SXM739Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Ticket Van LT -Red06/1928 29/07/1940 
16SXL3792Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Tree Lopper LT -Red12/1934 19/11/1945 
17SXD8378Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Catering Van LT -Red03/1931 02/08/1940 
18SXL3783Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Catering Van LT -Red07/1928 19/08/1940 
19SXL8928Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Catering Van LT -Red07/1928 19/08/1940 
20SXL8943Associated Daimler 503 5-ton Catering Van LT -Red07/1928 03/07/1940 
21HYN3762AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red09/06/1936 22/02/1950 
22HXP4145AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red17/06/1936 31/05/1948 
23HYR3809AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red17/06/1936 14/05/1946 
24HXN7028AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red17/06/1936 21/06/1948 
25HXN1786AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red26/06/1936 20/05/1948 
26HXP6670AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red26/06/1936 31/05/1948 
27HYR3804AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red01/07/1936 14/05/1946 
28HXR4216AEC NS 4 1/2-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red07/07/1936 17/09/1948 
29HXO1026AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red04/1937 03/01/1947 
30HXO1083AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red04/1937 04/03/1954 
31HXO1139AEC NS 5 1/2-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red05/1937 09/11/1948 
32HXO4078AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red04/1937 31/05/1948 
33HXP702AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red04/1937 20/04/1949 
34HXP6627AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red06/1937 03/01/1947 
35HXR4205AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1936 20/04/1949 
36HXW9834AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1937 07/09/1944 
37HXW9847AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1936 03/01/1947 
38HYT4819AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1937 09/11/1948 
39HUC2281AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1937 26/04/1951 
40HUC2294AEC NS 7-ton Mobile Staff Canteen LT -Red1937 20/04/1949 
41HXP2525AEC NS Overhead Wire Lubricator LT -Red01/07/1936 22/10/1940 
42HXO9227AEC NS Tree Lopper LT -Red04/1936 10/12/1943 
43HPE1724AEC NS Tree Lopper LT -Red1936 13/11/1945 
44HYT4843AEC NS Tree Lopper LT -Red01/1937 13/11/1943 
45ZFXT327AEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green04/1928 14/05/1946 
46Z TPAEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green24/05/1928 28/12/1939 
47Z TPAEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green31/05/1928 28/12/1939 
48Z TPAEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green05/1928 13/07/1940 
49Z TPAEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green25/05/1928 28/12/1939 
50ZFXT332AEC 506 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green04/1928 14/05/1946 
51Z TPAEC 506 Breakdown & Towing Lorry LT -Green26/05/1928 28/12/1939 
52ZFXT328AEC 506 Breakdown & Towing Lorry LT -Green27/04/1928 09/07/1940 
53Z TPAEC 506 Breakdown & Towing Lorry LT -Green09/06/1928 28/12/1939 
54Z TPAEC 506 Towing Lorry LT -Green27/04/1928 28/12/1939 
55Z TPAEC 506 Hydraulic Tipper LT -Green11/06/1928 28/12/1939 
56Z TPAEC 506 Gully Emptier LT -Green06/02/1929 19/07/1940 
57Z TPAEC 506 Gully Emptier LT -Grey01/06/1928 19/07/1940 
58ZLU8026AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green05/1919 14/05/1946 
59ZLU8029AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green29/05/1919 10/09/1940 
60ZLU8219AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green07/1919 14/05/1946 
61ZLU8221AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green07/1919 14/05/1946 
62ZLU8220AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green08/07/1919 08/10/1940 
63ZLU8091AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green02/1926 14/05/1946 
64ZXD8324AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green1926 15/05/1946 
65ZLU8144AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green01/1926 14/05/1946 
66ZLU8225AEC Tyler 5-ton Hand-operated Tipper LT -Green07/1919 14/05/1946 
67ZLU8097AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green03/1926 14/05/1946 
68ZLU8226AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green28/04/1926 22/08/1940 
69ZLU8206AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green17/03/1926 16/11/1948 
70ZLU8032AEC Tyler 5-ton Lorry LT -Green05/1919 08/10/1940 
71ZLU8034AEC Tyler 5-ton Lorry LT -Green05/1919 14/05/1946 
72ZLH8442AEC Tyler 5-ton Towing Lorry LT -Grey04/1919 03/07/1940 
73ZLH8444AEC Tyler 5-ton Tank Wagon LT -Grey03/1919 08/08/1940 
74ZLU8224AEC Tyler 5-ton Stores Lorry LT -Green07/1919 17/09/1948 
75QBYL380AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red28/06/1935 09/11/1961 
76QBYL401AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red11/07/1935 19/07/1962 
77QBYM146AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red11/07/1935 27/01/1961 
78QBYM147AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red24/07/1935 09/11/1961 
79QBYM148AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red24/07/1935 06/04/1960 
80QBYM149AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red24/08/1935 24/06/1960 
81QBYM150AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red24/08/1935 30/06/1960 
82QBYM151AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red24/08/1935 19/07/1962 
83QDGJ175AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red21/08/1936 02/01/1962 
84QDGJ176AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red21/08/1936 27/04/1962 
85QDGJ177AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red01/09/1936 19/02/1962 
86QDGJ178AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red22/09/1936 12/02/1962 
87QDGJ179AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red22/09/1936 18/09/1961 
88QDGJ180AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red01/10/1936 27/01/1961 
89QDGJ181AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red01/10/1936 19/07/1962 
90QDGJ182AEC Mercury 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red12/10/1936 03/10/1962 
91QCLX247AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green10/11/1936 25/08/1959 
92QCLX276AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green10/11/1936 19/07/1962 
93QCLX291AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green17/11/1936 30/10/1957 
94QCLX383AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green17/11/1936 10/02/1964 
95QCXB112AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green17/11/1936 22/10/1963 
96QCXB146AEC Mercury 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green17/11/1936 25/08/1959 
97NDYL905AEC Monarch 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green02/09/1937 24/09/1959 
98NDYL906AEC Monarch 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green02/09/1937 14/09/1959 
99NDYL907AEC Monarch 5-ton Pole Carrier LT -Green06/09/1937 15/05/1953 
100NELP296AEC Monarch 4-ton Tower Wagon LT -Red06/07/1938 18/09/1961 

IconActionsNumberRegTypeOperatorAllocationLiveryDate InDate Out
Page 1 of 142, showing results 1 to 100 of 14110, sorted by default.Page navigation: