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.com - London Transport Service Vehicles on the web
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Registration is only required if you want to enter sightings or comments, or view your own sightings. All other parts of the site can be accessed without logging in.

For guidance on how to register, see the About page
Name:  This can be your name or a nickname
E-mail:  Please enter a valid e-mail address
Privacy:  Select an option
Password:  Please enter a password of at least 4 characters. You will use this to log-in.
Reminder Question:
In case you forget your password, please set a question that you could answer to prove your identity. Examples could include the name of your pet or partner.
Reminder Answer:  Please enter the answer here.
About you:
Enter any information about yourself that you would like people to know. For example, what topics you are interested in.
What is the fleetnumber of this vehicle? Click here for help if needed.

Registration and log-in has been disabled as these pages are no longer being updated. Please use the new LTSV website at