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Location details
Name:Hammersmith, Butterwick
NotesWorks & Buildings 
Stats and links
Current allocation: 0 
All vehicles allocated: 34 *
Sightings logged: 4
Photos at location: 4
Previous location: Hammersmith Trolleybus Depot 
Next location: Hampstead Tram Depot 
* Quantities may not be accurate pending completion of the history inputting project

User Comments (Most recent at top) Log-in to add your own comments
Comments could include historical notes, advice on how to find the location, or personal recollections.
Posted ByCommentsDate/Time
DamonButterwick, W6 Works & Buildings Plumbers Section by 1966. 33 Hammersmith Broadway W6 8AB. Works & Buildings Western Area Office by 1978. Listed as Works & Buildings 1982-1985Sun 22/12/2013, 18:59
RayButterwick itself has changed slightly over the years having had a bus stopping area on the west side with shelters and separated from the other traffic. The W&BD was in a yard between this and the station (virtually sited above the tracks). A replacement bus station was built above the station, using part of the area of the old Riverside garage (R) with, from 2009, an addition bus station at ground level is on the corner of Butterwick and Broadway for buses that terminated (mainly) outside the H&C station. A substation exists off Fulham Palace Road (adjacent to/visible from the District/Piccadilly tracks).Fri 10/08/2007, 21:02

There are 4 photos taken at this location
(most recently added photos are shown first)