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BR Wagon Codes - Fishkinds
Most types of departmental (ie non-revenue earning) wagons on BR were given names with an aquatic theme to assist operating staff in allocating resources to jobs. These are known as the Fishkind and a list of all known names with a brief description is given below. First used dates quoted refer to the first BR built or converted examples. The names may already have been in use for pre-nationalisation types.

Name First used Description Notes
Barbel 1989 ZKV Ballast Wagon Ex MSV Iron Ore Tippler
Bass 1982 ZDA General Material Wagon Ex OBA/OCA
Bream 1984 ZEA/ZEX Runner/Spacer wagon  
Brill 1983 YAA Bogie Rail/Sleeper Wagon Ex BDA bogie-bolster
Carp 1983 ZBA Ballast/Spoil Wagon 1 built 1983
Catfish 1953 ZEV Ballast Hopper  
Chubb 1988 ZCX Ballast Wagon Rebuilt from VIX Ferry Van
Clam 1989 ZCV Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Rebuilt from HTV Coal Hoppers
Coalfish 1994 Ballast Hopper Experimental cut down HAA Coal Hoppers
Coalfish 1997 MHA Ballast Box Wagon Rebodied HAA Coal Hoppers
Cockle 1949 12t Ballast Plough Brake Van  
Cod 1983 ZAV Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Ex STV Tube Wagon
Conger 1970 YVQ Girder Wagon Set  
Crab 1983 ZBV/ZCV Ballast Wagon Modified Lamprey
Crayfish n/a Side-tipping ballast wagon Intended for a variant of the Mermaid, never built.
Dace 1981 ZDV General Material Wagon Ex Shochood
Dogfish 1956 ZFV Ballast Hopper  
Dolphin 1950 YAO Bogie Rail/Sleeper Wagon Low-sided bogie wagon
Doorand 1993 ZKA Ballast Wagon Modified Limpet
Eel 1987 YMA Sleeper Wagon Modified Brill
Egret 1992 ZCV Ballast Wagon Modified Grampus
Falcon 2003 JNA Bogie Box Wagon Also refers to MLAs
Gannet 1949 25t Ballast Hopper  
Gane 1949 YLO/YLP Bogie Rail Wagon  
Goldfish 1982 YNB Bogie Bolster Unofficial name. Ex BLA 920000
Grampus 1951 ZBO/ZBV Ballast/Spoil Wagon  
Gudgeon 1949 20t Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Gunnell 1993 ZFA Ballast Hopper Ex PGA
Haddock 1950 ZCO Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Hake 1980 ZBA Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Modified Grampus
Halibut 1980 YCA Bogie Ballast Wagon 2 built in 1980
Heron 1992 YCV Bogie Ballast Wagon Modified Turbot
Herring 1950 ZLV Ballast Hopper  
Lamprey 1951 ZBO/ZBV Ballast/Spoil Wagon  
Limpet 1993 ZKA Ballast Wagon Ex PNA/POA
Ling 1948 ZCO Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Loriot 1949 ZXP Flatrol  
Mackerel 1951 ZMV Ballast Hopper  
Manta 1971 YKA Bogie Long-welded Rail Wagon  
Marlin 1971 YKA Bogie Long-welded Rail Wagon  
Mer-Dog ? ZFV Ballast Hopper Modified to work with Mermaids
Mermaid 1952 ZJV Ballast Tippler  
Minnow 1949 ZCO Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Mullet 1982 YLA Bogie Rail Wagon Ex BRA Borail
Mussel 2009 IOA Bogie Open Ballast Wagon Unofficial code for 31.70.5992.001-120
Octopus 1992 YDA Bogie Self-discharge Ballast Hopper  
Osprey 2009 YKA Bogie Track Panel Flat Wagon Ex YSA/YWA Salmon
Otter 1986 YEA Bogie Long-welded Rail power Wagon Code proposed but not used?
Oyster 1950 ZUP Ballast Plough Brake Van  
Parr 1986 YQA Borail Wagon Modified Mullet
Penguin n/a Flatrol Intended to rename Loriot but not implemented.
Perch 1982 YEA Bogie Long-welded Rail Wagon  
Pike 1983 ZAA Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Ex SPA
Pilchard 1949 YCO Bogie Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Piranha 1998 PNA Ballast/Spoil Wagon Unofficial name for Railtrack 'green boxes'
Plaice 1978 ZCV Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Pollock 1984 ZCA Ballast Wagon  
Porpoise 1982 YEA Bogie Long-welded Rail Chute Wagon  
Prawn 1951 YNO Bogie Bolster  
Red Snapper 2008 MLA Bogie Box Wagon Unofficial code for EWS 503500-503604
Roach 1991 ZDA Open Wagon Ex ODA. Use unconfirmed
Rudd 1988 ZBV Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Rebuilt from HTV Coal Hoppers or Grampus
Salmon 1949 YMA/YFA Bogie Rail Wagon  
Sea Urchin 1991 ZCA Ballast Wagon Rebuilt OBA/SPA/VAA/VBA/VDA
Seacow 1971 YGB Bogie Ballast Hopper  
Seahare 1990 ZCA Ballast Wagon Rebuilt SPA
Seahorse 1988 ZCA Ballast Wagon Rebuilt OCA
Seal 1987 ZGA General Materials Wagon Ex OJA Open Wagon
Sealion 1970 YGH Bogie Ballast Hopper  
Shark 1951 ZUV Ballast Plough Brake Van  
Shrimp 1953 YNO Bogie Bolster (with sides)  
Skate 1981 YDA Bogie Skip Storage Wagon  
Sole 1949 ZCA/ZCO Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Squid 1988 ZDA General Materials Wagon Ex OAA
Starfish 1949 ZCO Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Stickleback 1995 OSA Sleeper Wagon Unofficial name
Stingray 1991 YGB Bogie Ballast Hopper Modified Seacow or Sealion
Sturgeon 1951 YBO/YBA Bogie Rail/Sleeper Wagon  
Tadpole ? Van / ex Banana Van  
Tench 1986 YPA Bogie Rail/Sleeper Wagon Modified Sturgeon
Tope 1984 ZCV Ballast Wagon Ex HTV Coal Hopper
Trout 1948 ZFP Ballast Hopper  
Tunney 1949 ZCO/ZCV Ballast/Sleeper Wagon  
Turbot 1982 YCV Bogie Ballast/Sleeper Wagon Rebuilds of BEV Bogie Bolsters
Walrus 1952 YGV Bogie Ballast Hopper  
Whale 1966 YHA Bogie Ballast Hopper  
Whelk 1953 YNO Boplate  
Whiting 1951 14t Rail Wagon  
Winkle 1951 22t Plate Wagon  
Zander 1988 ZKV Ballast Wagon Ex MTV Sand Wagon

Page added: 01/10/2007 Spotted an error? Got some additional info?
Please e-mail me at tom (at)
Last edited: 26/09/2014