Wagon News Please get in touch if you have any hot information. |
15th July 2010 The biomass wagons are now in stock, although I have been unable to find the actual number series featured. Rather surprisingly the bitumen tanks have still not left the Axiom works. News that is of special interest to me is that a batch of hopper wagons is under construction to replace the former Marcon JHA/HLA wagons. These are used on services from Angerstein Wharf, London (on my local line) and are currently being bolstered by the last of the former Tiphook KPAs.
A curious development is the renumbering of some of the JJA Autoballaster wagons. The last five conversions are having their numbers changed from GERS13001-GERS13005 to GERS12895-GERS12899. I thought this may have been to free up the (otherwise unoccupied) 130xx series, but additions to the erstwhile private owner number range seem unlikely. Perhaps it is merely to make all of the batch have more similar numbers (ie all starting in 12xxx). Details will be added to the relevant pages next time.
The July issue of Rail Express has a wagons page as usual, but the most startling news is in the model section. As well as showing some photos of forthcoming models (including the stunning Bachmann Autoballasters) it contains announcements of a seemingly huge number of new wagon models. The number of types not available as RTR models is rapidly diminishing! |
25th April 2010 The new bitumen tank wagons are still not finished, and are set to be overtaken by some covered hoppers for biomass traffic. Details soon.
A development of related interest is the wholesale application of RIV numbers to road-railers and items of small on-track plant. Such vehicles have never been numbered in a unified series before now, and the news is no doubt welcomed by people who like to try and spot everything! I don't know whether it will be possible (or even appropriate) to try and include the numbers in the reference section of this website. As an example, I noted a flat trolley the other day carrying 99 70 9010 355-4. |
16th March 2010 Not a huge amount going on at present and (as usual) the main stories are covered in Rail Express magazine. This include the completion of the YKA Osprey conversion programme (after 199 wagons were done), the fitting of Tench modules to some YQA wagons, the recoding of some FCA container wagons as FYAs (to indicate the capability to run at 75mph empty or loaded), and the sale of the Fastline FEAs to DRS. Somewhat less topical, the origins of mystery Tope T970060 (which appeared in about 1995) have been discovered. All of these developments are covered in the updated Profile and Reference pages. The new build of bogie bitumen tank wagons are reportedly nearing completion.
Not wagons as such but a new number series has been started for 'departmental' coaching stock conversions, following the exhaustion of the 977xxx range. The new series starts at 971000. |
3rd February 2010 Relying again on Rail Express magazine! The February issue includes a picture of the first (First!) GB Railfreight bogie hopper modified with a cover (for the biomass contract mentioned last month). The modelling pages have an article (with drawings) on the Presflo wagon design, accompanying a review of the new Bachmann model, and also samples of the forthcoming Autoballaster wagons from the same firm. |
3rd January 2010 Although there is no wagons page in the January edition of Rail Express magazine, it mentions elsewhere that First GB Railfreight has won a contract to transport biomass from the Port of Tyne to Drax power station, reportedly using HYA hoppers modified with top covers. These will presumably be similar to the DB Schenker HTA to CGA conversion mentioned last month (which could have been part of a bid for the same work).
For modellers, the magazine also has some interesting photos and news of forthcoming wagon models, including the Bachmann IPA car carrier and MOA ballast open, Dapol ICA 'Silver Bullet' and IFA 'Megafret' and a KFA container carrier from Hornby. |
Site News Latest additions and changes to LTSV Wagons |
15th July 2010 Once again I have had little free time to develop the site, although I did recently manage a day out photographing freight trains! Updates today are just the news here and reviews of three more new books.
25th April 2010 A rather minimal update today, with a review of the ICRS wagon number book added. No other developments to report... yet.
13th April 2010 I managed to photograph a complete LWR (Long Welded Rail) train last week, and 6 photos have been added to the relevant profile.
16th March 2010 Various pages have been updated today:
To assist navigation, the profiles type index pages (such as that for Hoppers) have been revised to list the profiles by TOPS code rather than by date added/edited (the main profiles index page still shows the most recently edited ones).
I have started work on a new set of web pages. This may sound odd given that I don't really have enough free time to keep the existing pages up to date. However, the idea with the new pages is that visitors will be able to contribute directly, adding comments against types, codes, batches or individual wagons. Look out for developments.
3rd February 2010 Apologies (again) for the paucity of updates! Added today is a review of the Gardner wagon number books (on the Publications page). The next update should see some additions to (and removals from) the web links.
3rd January 2010 After another expensive trip to the bookshop, I have added reviews for three more recent titles, as listed below:
- "Wagons of the Early British Railways Era" by David Larkin
- "Wagon Recognition Volume 2" by Martin Buck and Mark Rawlinson
- "International Train-Ferry Wagons in Colour" by David Ratcliffe