Wagon News Please get in touch if you have any hot information. |
14th September 2014 Further to the news of 1st September, I managed to photograph some of the newly renumbered HKAs this week.
Renumbered HKA 300634, also carrying RIV number 82.70.6723.634-5
Also I incorrectly gave the new number range as 82.70.6723.001-085. It should be 82.70.6723.601-685.
1st September 2014 This update catches up with developments over the past few months.
New builds and orders
Delivery of the batch of 200 biomass hoppers (IIA-D to IIE970) for Drax Power has continued, with the half way mark, wagon number 83.70.0698.100-0, entering service in May.
More IDA low-deck container twin flats for Direct Rail Services have taken the number series up to 39.70.4901.075-4. Wagons from 39.70.4901.025-9 upwards are to revised design code IDE972 and TOPS code IDA-Q.
The first of the 10 new nuclear flask wagons ordered last year was dispatched to Derby for testing in June 2014. The number range is from 11.70.9229.001-6 upwards.
For use on the Great Western mainline electrification project, 14 new Windhoff MPV vehicles have been delivered. These are numbered in the range 99.70.9131.001-8 to 99.70.9131.023-2, a range which also includes several converted wagons (q.v.). Other new items of on-track plant include two Railcare Sweden Railvac machines numbered 99.70.9515.001-4 and 99.70.9515.002-2, somewhat curiously given TOPS code KFA. Update: These machines appear to have been built using former KFA bogie container flats (identities unknown) and not been recoded. These followed a prototype Railvac numbered 99.70.9909.001-8, which has since gone back abroad.
Orders for new wagons have been placed by VTG for 25 FWA Ecofret 3-wagon container flat sets and 15 TEA tankers, and by Freightliner for 21 more FWA 2-wagon sets. Network Rail is buying 8 Robel 3-car Mobile Maintenance System trains. GB Railfreight is to lease 18 FWA triple sets from VTG.
Conversions and modifications
A set of 23 vehicles is being assembled for use on the Great Western mainline electrification project, variously known as the HOT (High Output Train) or HOPS (High Output Plant System). As well as 14 new-build MPVs to TOPS code YXA, 8 former KFA container flats and 1 JNA ballast box wagons are also included, and all have been re-numbered in the new series 99.70.9131.001-8 to 99.70.9131.023-2. JNA-C NLU29024 to JN060A has had minor modifications and is now 99.70.9131.007-5 to design code JN061A. The KFAs are from the former Tiphook batch rebuilt for use on Railhead Treatment Trains by Network Rail in 2003 but soon replaced by new-build FEAs. Latterly NLU93242-93281 KFA-Y to KF055B/C, they are now KFA-O with a range of design codes KF059A-065A reflecting a variety of modifications.
Somewhat ironically, a further batch of KFA container flats have recently been converted into Railhead Treatment Trains. AVON92563-92579 were used until 2011 on 'binliner' refuse disposal trains for Avon County Council. All 17 have been bought by Network Rail and several are now fitted with the familiar blue water tanks and spraying modules. Renumbered from 99.70.9310.001-1 upwards, they have so far retained their previous codes of KFA-R and KF007D.
DB Schenker has converted a third HTA bogie coal hopper into a CGA covered hopper for biomass traffic. Unlike the earlier conversions (310552 rebuilt to CG003A in 2009 and 310318 to CG004A in 2012), the latest conversion was not confined to fitting new top covers. Wagon 310604 (CGA-B to CG005A) has had its hopper extended such that the ends are almost vertical (thus increasing capacity) and also has new LN25 bogies. All three wagons carry the lighter red livery of DB Schenker.
Also in DB Schenker red are a further batch of HKA conversions. The 85 former National Power JMA bogie coal hoppers are very gradually being fitted with new bogies, renumbered from the NP19601-19685 series to 300601-300685 and returned to use. 21 were fitted with TF25 bogies in 2008/2009, these retaining the National Power livery of blue and grey. The remainder are now being converted, this time with LN25 bogies and gaining a full repaint. More interestingly, they are also being given two new numbers each! As well as the 3006xx number (where the last two digits match the original NP196xx number), they also carry RIV numbers in the 82.70.6723.6xx range.
Another slight oddity (given the disposal of the YFA 'Slinger' wagons mentioned below) is the creation of 3 new 5-wagon sets of Rail Delivery and Recovery Trains (RDRTs). Converted from former YEA long-welded rail wagons, two cranes are being fitted to each. TOPS code YXA-R has been allocated and the first wagon retained its existing number (DB979067).
Two types of wagon that have been out of use for some time have seen a return to traffic. 20 of the PNA-F ballast box wagons originally converted for Railtrack have been taken out of storage (at Long Marston) for use in conjunction with the Railvac machines mentioned above. Although most of the PNAs were built on former tank wagon underframes, the 20 re-instated wagons are all design code PN039B examples, utilising underframes from Ribble and Tunnel cement PCAs and having BSC Friction Pedestal suspension units. Numbers are in the range VTG3751 to VTG3794. Several former Tiphook JRA bogie box wagons have also been noted in use with the Railvacs.
Also retrieved from Long Marston have been 60 JSA-A covered steel wagons from the VTG4020-4076/4091-4139 batches. Rebuilt from British Steel iron-ore tippler wagons in 1996 or 2007/8, these are now for use by Colas Rail.
Notable amongst routine disposals (for example BDA Bogie Bolsters, YGB/YGH Seacow/Sealions and ZCA Sea Urchins) have been the last of the once numerous Cartic-4 sets (3 single-deck converted sets being scrapped in May 2013), the last OTA timber carriers and the former Jarvis Rail 'Slinger' rail carriers (YFA twin crane and YXA generator wagons in the CEPS number range DR92501-92571 converted from KHA curtain-roof wagons in 2001-2004).
Site News Latest additions and changes to LTSV Wagons |
15th October 2014 Four new profiles have been uploaded, all covering relatively modern types:
- National Power JHA/JMA Hoppers (later HJA/HKA)
- MLA Bogie Box Wagons
- HOA/IIA Bogie Aggregate/Sand Hoppers
- IEA/IOA Network Rail Bogie Box Wagons
The profile of the KQA/KTA Tiphook 'Pocket' Container Wagons has been updated with some new information and more photos.
The new profiles are to a revised design. As well as featuring larger photos, the sources of published information will be referenced. I have also added a section for any queries relating to each type. The line spacing has been increased to improve readability. The layout changes have been applied to all profiles, and the references and queries will be progressively added to the older profiles.
The data pages have been reviewed and updated where required. I have also added borders to the various tables, again to improve readability. Any feedback on these changes would be welcomed.
14th September 2014 Another set of 83 photographs has been added today, all taken in London in the past week. Three more types now covered are:
- Renumbered HKA hoppers
- ICA-D china-clay tank wagons
- JRA-H bogie box wagons
5th September 2014 A set of 265 photographs has been added today, including some more from Derek Everson. The following types are now included for the first time:
- FAA and FYA Container Wagons
- IOA Ballast Box Wagons
- IPA-B Covered Car Carriers
- KFA Warflats and Crane Runners
- KWA Warwells
- MJA Twin Box Wagons
- WIA Covered Car Carriers
There are now 2,534 photographs on this site and a further batch should appear soon.
1st September 2014 As well as the news page, various data pages have been brought up to date, as has the Cartic-4 profile.
I am currently working on a new batch of photographs and these will hopefully be uploaded within a week or so.