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Numbers Index
The lists in the Numbers section are (perhaps unsurprisingly) to do with the numbers carried by items of rolling stock. Each list can be accessed using the menu on the left, or the links in the table below, this also giving an outline of what is included.
Number SeriesThis lists the various number series that have been in use on UK railways over the past 70 years. These series are the primary means used to distinguish between otherwise identical numbers.
This page (which, ironically, is not yet available) will list only the numbers of rolling stock that is still extant. This will include main-line registered trains and those on preserved lines and elsewhere. You can get the same results by using the All list (see below) and selecting the appropriate status code. However, the 'Current' list should be quicker to load.
AllIn reality, this list should have been titled 'Most' since I have not included every single item. For example, BR had over 300,000 16ton Mineral wagons. Only those which survived into the 1980s are included. However, almost every loco, coach and unit is listed. Be advised that the page may take a short time to load, due to the quantity of records.
BatchesBatches are groups of numbers which were used on similar items of rolling stock, often being built or converted at the same time. This list is similar to the Lots listing (see below), but includes items for which no lot numbers were issued. As far as possible, each batch is a discrete and continuous range of numbers.
LotsLot numbers were allocated to most individual orders for new rolling stock. BR issued lots numbers to orders for new coaching stock (including those formed into multiple units) until about 2005 and for new wagons until the early 1990s. Lot numbers were also issued at times to orders for containers, and for conversion work to existing rolling stock. This page lists all known BR lot numbers, these being issued for most new build coaches and wagons, and also for some conversions. Lot numbers for pre-nationalisation companies will also be listed here in due course.
RenumberingsThe practice of renumbering rolling stock has been very common over the past 50 years, and is usually (but not always) associated with stock that has been modified or repurposed. While many items have been renumbered once, there is a considerable quantity that have carried three, four or even more different numbers during their lives. This page lists all known renumberings of locos, units, coaches, wagons and other rolling stock.
This page (not yet available) will detail numbers that have been used more than once.
FormationsThis page lists the make-up of permanent and semi-permanent sets of rolling stock. At present, most of the content is to do with multiple units, but other types (such as wagons that normally operate in sets and southern region coach sets) will be added in the future.
This page (not yet available) will look at names applied to locos and other items of rolling stock.
SightingsI decided that allowing users to record sightings of rolling stock items could be a useful way of seeing where different types are being used. This facility is not yet enabled and is planned for introduction about a year after the initial launch of the site. Until then, this page lists some of the sightings I have made over the past few years.
ListingsAs a way of capturing changes during the life of an item of rolling stock (such as to prefixes, TOPS codes, design codes, allocations or liveries), I have created a category of record called listings. These are basically any dated and detailed information about rolling stock. To further confuse things, each listing can either be a 'Listing' (i.e. the information at a given date, not related to any change. Sources for these include ABC books and TOPS reports) or a 'Change' (i.e. information about a change to some of the attributes, such as allocation. Sources for most of these are magazine news and transfer reports). It is hoped to add many more listings over the next couple of years, which should hopefully give a fair overview of the history for each number. This page lists all the current listings. There are already over a quarter of a million entries, so the page can be a little slow to load.
Check digit CalculatorRIV, UIC or EVNs, call them what you like, a lot of UK rolling stock now has the 12-digits 'Euro' numbers. The final digit in these numbers is the so-called 'check digit', which is calculated as a means of ensuring that the first 11 digits have been entered correctly into computer systems. This page has a tool with which you can find the check digit for any given Euro number.