Sightings can be useful to see where particular types of rolling stock work and this site has been designed to allow users to add their own. When you are logged in, two buttons will be visible. One allows the addition of a single sighting (one item), while the other can be used for multiple items (for example all wagons in a train).
The list can be sorted by date or location, and you can search for text within the headcode, working or for individual stock numbers (not including prefixes). To see more details about a particular sighting, click on the date in the first column.
Click on this icon to view your results as a PDF file which can be downloaded and/or printed:
48127 results found. Page 1 of 482, showing results 1 to 100 Sorted by Sighting Date (newest first)
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Date/TimeThe date and (where recorded) time of the sighting. Click on the date to see more details about any given sighting.
LocationThe location of the sighting.
Headcode, Working & NumbersThe headcode and working (where known) is on the first line, followed by the numbers of the rolling stock items noted. Locomotives appear in bold. Items that were missed, incorrectly recorded or which are not yet in the database appear as 'Miss'.
AddedThe date and time that the sighting was added to the database, the name of the user who added it, the approval status and an indicator to show if any notes have been posted.
Date/TimeThe date and (where recorded) time of the sighting. Click on the date to see more details about any given sighting.
LocationThe location of the sighting.
Headcode, Working & NumbersThe headcode and working (where known) is on the first line, followed by the numbers of the rolling stock items noted. Locomotives appear in bold. Items that were missed, incorrectly recorded or which are not yet in the database appear as 'Miss'.
AddedThe date and time that the sighting was added to the database, the name of the user who added it, the approval status and an indicator to show if any notes have been posted.
48127 results found. Page 1 of 482, showing results 1 to 100 Sorted by Sighting Date (newest first)