There are 34 listings (with 34 distinct numbers) for this pool.
Date ?The date of the listing. Newest listings are shown first. |
Type ?Listings are either plain listings (reported details at a given date) or changes (changes of details on a given date). Hover over a code for the explanation. |
Status ?The status of this number at (or after) the given date. Hover over a code for the explanation. |
Prefix ?The prefix carried at the given date. Hover over a prefix for an explanation. |
Number |
Design |
Pool |
Livery |
Allocation |
Location |
Notes |
?Shows the approval status of each listing. Hover over an icon for an explanation. |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460563 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460612 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460613 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460627 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460709 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460718 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460821 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460826 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460916 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
460973 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
01/03/2008 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
461000 |
SD001A (2) |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470012 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470037 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470041 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470066 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470074 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470076 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470083 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470086 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470087 |
SS002B |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470100 |
SS001A |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470101 |
SS001F |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470104 |
SS001F |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470109 |
SS001F |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470113 |
SS001F |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470122 |
SS001G |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470124 |
SS001G |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470130 |
SS001G |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470148 |
SS001G |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470154 |
SS001H |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470158 |
SS001H |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470163 |
SS001H |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470169 |
SS001H |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |
04/02/1999 |
LListing (e.g. in an ABC) |
AExtant, Registered, Active |
Click here for more details of this prefix |
470176 |
SS001H |
4263 |
Approved, auto/admin |