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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 08/03/1987
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Seen by: Self
Source: Seen
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In actual order? N
Notes: Seen during an unofficial visit. Part 2. Some items may have actually been at Old Oak Common.
Unlisted DE250526 ZSP
Unlisted DM731213 ZPO
Unlisted KDM418478 ZGV
Unlisted B386491 MSV
Unlisted B388904 MSV
B954930 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed CAP
DB994254 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DC110095 WAWagons - BR Air-braked ZDA
KDW101222 WWWagons - GWR ZRV
DB994951 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DB996325 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YFA
B741938 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed SOV
B954680 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed CAR
DB992660 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DB983775 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DB994871 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DB994907 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DB994341 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DB992650 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DC950030 WAWagons - BR Air-braked YAA
DB983537 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DB952654 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZTV
DB992671 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DB983737 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
B947865 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed FWW
Unlisted DB741311 ZDV
LDB900410 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YYQ
DB994213 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DC110431 WAWagons - BR Air-braked ZDA
DC110359 WAWagons - BR Air-braked ZDA
DB994903 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DC967563 WAWagons - BR Air-braked YLA
DB994239 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
DC110154 WAWagons - BR Air-braked ZDA
DC460018 WAWagons - BR Air-braked ZAA
DB994150 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed YBO
Unlisted DE260251 ZSO
DB983761 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZEV
DB998017 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZVP
DB900023 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed ZVO
Unlisted DB561426 ZHV
Unlisted DB588979 ZHV
Unlisted DB555596 ZHV
Unlisted DB590202 ZHV
Unlisted DB578525 ZHV
Unlisted DB159900 ZHV
Unlisted DB561110 ZHV
Unlisted DB556237 ZHV
Unlisted DB589857 ZHV
Unlisted DB564975 ZHV
Added: 22/09/2021
Approval: Approved, auto/admin
Approved by: Thomas Young
No notes have been left yet. ?There may be some notes posted but which have not yet been approved.
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