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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 23/04/2013
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Seen by: Self
Source: Seen
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73212 LTLocos - BR TOPS
73141 LTLocos - BR TOPS
68504 CBCoaching Stock - BR
31465 (R) LTLocos - BR TOPS
72630 CBCoaching Stock - BR
999606 WBWagons - BR B/DB prefixed
9714 CBCoaching Stock - BR
73205 LTLocos - BR TOPS
68501 CBCoaching Stock - BR
47805 LTLocos - BR TOPS
6117 CBCoaching Stock - BR
6122 CBCoaching Stock - BR
23.80.2398.572-0 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
23.80.2398.555-5 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
GERS97736 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
640425 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
640426 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
606002 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605015 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605006 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605002 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
606012 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
33.70.6790.058-5 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
33.70.6790.030-4 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
33.70.6790.088-2 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
33.70.6790.051-0 EVRIV/EVN International Numbers
GERS97724 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
GERS97762 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
GERS97733 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
RLS92561 WPWagons - BR TOPS Private Owner
606007 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605003 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605023 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
605026 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
606009 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
640046 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
640045 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
Added: 25/07/2023
Approval: Approved, semi/self
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