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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Numbers > Sightings List > Sighting Details
Main details
Date: 06/03/2024
Time: 17:49
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Seen by: Self
Source: Reported
Working: 17:18 Crewe Basford Hall to Hunslet Yard.
All items logged? Y
In actual order? Y
70005 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66418 LTLocos - BR TOPS
70010 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66585 LTLocos - BR TOPS
66590 LTLocos - BR TOPS
613041 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
613037 WAWagons - BR Air-braked
Added: 06/03/2024
Approval: Approved, semi/self
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