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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Codes > TOPS List > FLA
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TOPS Code/Class: FLA Previous Next
TOPS Category: ?This is my own (unofficial) means to categorise TOPS codes based on what they relate to and whether they are long (4 characters, i.e. including sub-codes) or short (3 characters) SW - Short Code, Wagons In selection ?This works on your last-used TOPS selection, including any filters and sort orders. Buttons will not show if the current TOPS code was not in your last selection, or if you are at the beginning or end of the data set.
TOPS GENKOC: ?The first character of a TOPS code is known as the GENKOC and indicates the general type of rolling stock (e.g. 1xx are DMUs). F - Flat Wagons Overall ?This works on the overall TOPS code list without any filtering or sorting applied.
TOPS BRAKTY: ?The third character of many TOPS codes is the BRAKTY, indicating the type of braking equipment fitted (e.g. A indicates air brakes). A - Air brakes
Description: Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon
Numbers: ?Numbers are only shown where the ranges were limited. Otherwise, refer to the listings section below. The letter r after the numbers indicates this is a range, with not all numbers in the sequence used.
Status: Current
Date On:
Date Off:
Key Photo:
Sub-codes ?If this code had any sub-codes, they will be listed here.
FLA-B Bogie Twin Low-Platform Container Wagon
FLA-I Flat, low platform, container carrier, LTFB - small wheels, inner
FLA-J Prototype Flat, low platform, container carrying, spigots fitted (not 9ft6 containers)
FLA-O Flat, low platform, container carrier, LTFB - small wheels, outer
FLA-P Prototype Flat, low platform, container carrying, spigots fitted (not 9ft6 containers)
Designs/Diagrams ?Design codes and diagrams related to this code (and any sub-codes where relevant) are listed here.
8 designs/diagrams currently listed against this TOPS code/class (including any sub-codes).
FL002A FLA-I BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Inner) Current
FL002B FLA-I BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Inner) Current
FL003A FLA-O BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Outer) Current
FL003B FLA-O BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Outer) Current
FL004A FLA-P BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Outer, ex Prototype) Current
FL005A FLA-J BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Low-Platform Container Wagon (Inner, ex Prototype) Current
FL006A FLA-B BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Twin Low-Platform Container Wagon Current
FL006B FLA-B BR TOPS Wagon Design Code Bogie Twin Low-Platform Container Wagon TBC
Batches ?Batches of numbers built or converted to this TOPS code are listed below. Note that only codes that were wholly to this code will appear, otherwise refer to the listings section for other numbers.
There are 5 batches recorded as being wholly to this TOPS code (including any sub-codes).
Numbers Class Design Type Qty Origin Built/Converted Date/s Lot
605001-605027 FLA FL002A Freightliner Low Platform Container Flat (inner) 27 New Powell Duffryn 1991 4068
605028 FLA FL005A Freightliner Low Platform Container Flat (inner) 1 Renumbered 1991
606001-606018 FLA FL003A Freightliner Low Platform Container Flat (outer) 18 New Powell Duffryn 1991 4069
606019-606020 FLA FL004A Freightliner Low Platform Container Flat (outer) 2 Renumbered 1991
606101-606180 FLA FL006A Freightliner Low Platform Container Flat (outer) 80 New Greenbrier 2004-2005
Profiles ?Profiles provide an overview of the histories of various types of train. Profiles that are relevant to this TOPS class/code are listed below. If no profiles are shown, try looking under the parent code (in main details section above)
FLA Lowliner Bogie Container Wagons
Photos - Internal
There are 64 photos of this type (including any sub-codes). The 10 most recently added are shown below.

Photos - External
No external photos of this item yet.
There are 1260 listings (with 128 distinct numbers) for this TOPS code/class (including any sub-codes).

No notes have been left yet. ?There may be some notes posted but which have not yet been approved.
Related Information
To be added
Dimensions ?Dimensions are normally recorded against design/diagram numbers. They can be recorded against batches, lots or TOPS codes if the design/diagram is not available.
There are no dimensions recorded for this TOPS code.
Drawings ?Drawings are normally referenced to specific design/diagram numbers. They can be recorded against batches, lots or TOPS codes if the design/diagram is not available. If no drawings are listed here, try looking at related designs/diagrams (above).
There are no drawings referenced for this TOPS code.
Data History
Record added 01/01/2020 by Thomas Young
This item has not been edited.