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LTSV > Rail Data > Data > Codes > Designs > Unknown
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There is one batch recorded as being wholly to this design code/diagram.
Numbers Class Design Type Qty Origin Built/Converted Date/s Lot
83.70.0698.226-255 IIA-D Unknown Bogie Biomass Hopper 30 New W H Davis, Langwith Junction 2023
Profiles ?Profiles provide an overview of the histories of various types of train. Profiles that are relevant to this design/diagram are listed below.
Photos - Internal
There are 469 photos of this design on this website. The 10 most recently added are shown below.

Photos - External
ID Number TOPS Design Livery Photo location Photo date Comment Source ?Shows the approval status of each photolink. Hover over an icon for an explanation.
653 70005 70 (2) Unknown Freightliner Power Haul Eastleigh 12/09/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2qggrCD ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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650 69006 69 Unknown GBRF Eastleigh 12/09/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2qgaYCx ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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646 70015 70/0 Unknown Freightliner Powerhaul Eastleigh 16/08/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2qf81su ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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645 70011 70/0 Unknown Freightliner Powerhaul Eastleigh 16/08/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2qf19NJ ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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642 458409 458/4 Unknown SWR Eastleigh Station 21/08/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2qbj8tm ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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636 5960 Unknown Unknown Intercity debranded M6 Charnock Richard Services (Northbound) 04/07/2024 on lowloader destination not known https: / /photos.app.goo.gl /fwd1FbiU32M97iZn7 ball graphicApproved, manually
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625 70007 70/0 Unknown Freightliner Powerhaul Green & Yellow Eastleigh 24/05/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pTgHyT ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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622 70002 70/0 Unknown Freightliner Eastleigh 30/04/2024 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pQ5dYH ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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612 45020 Unknown Unknown LMS Maroon Dunaskin, Doon Valley Railway https: / /img1.wsimg.com /isteam /ip /7c5ac584-6f88-48c6-a249-71aae4f22fdd /saloon.jpg /: /cr=t:025,l:025,w:10025,h:10025 /rs=w:776,h:388,cg:true ball graphicApproved, manually
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611 507032 Unknown Unknown Newport 19/02/2024 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /turners_pics /53539542885 /in /photolist-2pzf7GG-2pz2ixP-2pz4ZeZ-2pz79NZ-2pz6osu-2pAWDGG-2pz2T8W-2pz3HYY-2pzzZs6-2pAKpaH-2pD4pMc-2pz41qZ-2pzeoeW-2pzdtpF-2pzdrqL-2pD3T2d-2pz8 ball graphicApproved, manually
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610 507013 Unknown Unknown Newport 19/02/2024 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /turners_pics /53539542885 /in /photolist-2pzf7GG-2pz2ixP-2pz4ZeZ-2pz79NZ-2pz6osu-2pAWDGG-2pz2T8W-2pz3HYY-2pzzZs6-2pAKpaH-2pD4pMc-2pz41qZ-2pzeoeW-2pzdtpF-2pzdrqL-2pD3T2d-2pz8 ball graphicApproved, manually
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609 70008 70/0 Unknown Freightliner Green & Yellow Eastleigh Station 20/03/2024 With 66520 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pEA7Ku ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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605 83.70.7792.031-7 TEA Unknown Blue Duffield 31/12/2023 Seen passing Duffield on 6E68 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pqf13L ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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604 83.70.7792.050-7 TEA Unknown Blue Duffield 31/12/2023 Seen passing Duffield with 6E68 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pqdzpn ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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603 83.70.7792.044-0 TEA Unknown Blue Duffield 31/12/2023 Seen passing duffield on 6E68 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pq89Em ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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595 786193 VVV Unknown Fowey Docks c1987 Internal User. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /28207841009 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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594 81.70.5500.560-4 JNA-T Unknown Blue Ilkeston 28/10/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2pceegB ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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592 153376 153 (2) Unknown Light Blue Eastleigh East Yard 03/10/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2paGwzM ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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591 200209 ZRA Unknown Brown Unknown, possibly Crewe Basford Hall c1995 Showing unique arrangement of side doors and end ribs https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890776319 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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590 230319 ZRA Unknown Railfreight grey/red Unknown, possibly Chester c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890781419 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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589 753722 ZRV Unknown Brown Chester c1995 Officially a ZRV but lettered as ZDV https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890781719 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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588 024966 Unknown Unknown Rusty Unknown, perhaps Crewe Gresty Road c1995 Still carrying capital number. Same as for B769749 (024973) coupled to right. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610904336 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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587 766153 ZVV Unknown Rusty Unknown, possibly Chester c1995 With H Pooley & Sons lettering, plus windows in sides. Used to carry test weights? https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890782069 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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586 904696 ZXV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 End detail. Drums for ballast? Air piped so should be coded ZXW https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890782499 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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585 024960 Unknown Unknown Grey(ish) Unknown, perhaps Crewe Gresty Road c1995 Showing only crudely painted KDB783688 number. Presume KDB784281 (024962) is the van on the right. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610904526 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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584 972475 ZBA Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 End detail https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890770019 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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583 113023 ZDA Unknown Railfreight grey/red Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779617615 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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582 940590 YNP Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 Overview https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37949322244 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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581 940590 YNP Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 Bogie detail https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610897796 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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580 940590 YNP Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779617915 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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579 970569 ZCV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 With Transrail logo https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610897836 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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578 996373 YMA Unknown Yellow Ches c1995 Detail of bogie and step https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779618445 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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577 904696 ZXV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 Coded ZXV but appears to have air pipes, plus 2 large cylinders/tanks above each headstock https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779618835 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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576 700724 Unknown Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610898566 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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575 982054 ZCA Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779618915 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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574 110332 ZDA Unknown Satlink red/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 Rather sun-bleached livery https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890772379 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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573 113002 ZDA Unknown Railfreight grey/red Chester Wagon Works c1995 With KDC prefix https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610898746 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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572 889011 ZQX Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 Opposite side https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890772699 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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571 889011 ZQX Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 End detail, showing wasp stripes https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890772859 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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570 889011 ZQX Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610899046 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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569 024825 Unknown Unknown Rail blue Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610899366 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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568 024824 Unknown Unknown Rail blue Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890782249 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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567 993469 ZFV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 With Mainline branding https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610904666 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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566 024950 Unknown Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38610904886 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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565 972154 ZBA Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 With Transrail logo https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890767519 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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564 3149 YXW Unknown Yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37949319684 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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563 110724 ZDA Unknown Railfreight grey/red Chester Wagon Works c1995 Faded livery with 'On Hire from xx Office' ? markings https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37949319854 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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562 110207 ZDA Unknown Satlink red/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890768289 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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561 970166 ZCV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37949320154 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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560 994128 YPA Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 End detail https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890769469 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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559 970557 ZCV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1995 With Transrail logo https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890769879 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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558 994128 YPA Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 More yellow than grey https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779626105 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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557 993853 ZUV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779609925 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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556 024952 Unknown Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37949314864 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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555 993931 ZUV Unknown Brown Chester Wagon Works c1990 Showing controls on verandah https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779610015 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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554 993726 ZUV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890763959 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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553 983449 ZEV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779610205 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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552 983230 ZFV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890764129 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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551 983897 ZFV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779610705 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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550 989178 ZJV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 Side view https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890764659 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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549 989178 ZJV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 End detail view https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779610935 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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548 992679 ZEV Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779611175 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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547 024968 Unknown Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 In background https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779611405 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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546 998017 ZXR Unknown Rusty Chester Wagon Works c1990 Marked as ZXR and ZVP https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779611405 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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545 983698 ZEV Unknown Patchy Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890765179 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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544 983002 ZFV Unknown Civil Engineers grey/yellow Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /26890765519 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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543 991441 ZBV Unknown Rust Chester Wagon Works c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /37779611705 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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542 200080 RBA Unknown Railfreight sector grey Llandudno Junction yard c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38635216522 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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541 200095 RBA Unknown Railfreight grey/red Llandudno Junction yard c1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /153249843@N05 /38635216692 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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540 965077 BMA Unknown Railfreight red Fort William c1986 The unique original BMA conversion, with drop-down doors. Derailed at Fort William c.1986. Doors were removed c.1987 and further BMA conversions were to that pattern. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /eastfield /7198891010 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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539 965077 BMA Unknown Railfreight red Fort William c1986 The unique original BMA conversion, with drop-down doors. Derailed at Fort William c.1986. Doors were removed c.1987 and further BMA conversions were to that pattern. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /eastfield /51884887577 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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538 33.68.4909.112-7 Unknown Unknown Blue Duffield 08/10/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p7W7yM ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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537 33.68.4909.981-5 Unknown Unknown Blue Duffield 08/10/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p81Cw3 ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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536 852755 Unknown Unknown Marston on Dove 01/10/2023 Seen on stands, body only from adjacent footpath https: / /flic.kr /p /2p6rjak ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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535 850474 Unknown Unknown Marston on Dove 01/10/2023 Seen from an adjacent footpath. https: / /flic.kr /p /2p6th83 ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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527 70004 70/0 Unknown Green Yellow Freightliner Powerhaul Eastleigh Station 03/10/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p6TZ9D ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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523 853250 Unknown Unknown Marston on Dove 01/10/2023 Body only, on stands https: / /flic.kr /p /2p6tTrF ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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519 456001 456 Unknown Network Southeast Norwood Junction 15/02/2005 Original condition. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /9211795300 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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516 701057 701/0 Unknown SWR Yellow Blue Silver Eastleigh Station 27/09/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p6dHqc ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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514 870248 TEA Unknown Willington 23/09/2023 Seen at the end of the rake of wagons forming 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p5kQ6t ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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513 871002 TEA Unknown Green Willington 23/09/2023 Seen passing as part of 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p5e9sf ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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512 966072 BYA (2) Unknown Willington 18/09/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p4v8rD ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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511 871001 TEA Unknown Green Willington 23/09/2023 Seen passing on 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p5k7KM ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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510 871004 TEA Unknown Green Willington 23/09/2023 Seen as part of 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p55rAX ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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509 85970 TEA Unknown Willington 18/09/2023 Seen passing through Willington https: / /flic.kr /p /2p4uE9m ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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508 85957 TEA Unknown Willington 23/09/2023 Seen passing Willington as part of 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p59aD6 ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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507 870284 TEA Unknown Willington 23/09/2023 Seen passing Willington as part of 6M57 https: / /flic.kr /p /2p596zz ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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506 500034 MBA Unknown Duffield 30/08/2023 Seen passing with 6V81 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oZ1Eaa ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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505 500027 MBA Unknown Duffield 30/08/2023 Seen with 6V81 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oYZw6f ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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504 500125 MBA Unknown Duffield 30/08/2023 Seen passing with 6V81 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oYYDEx ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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503 81.70.4524.116-0 FEA-W Unknown Network Rail Yellow Ilkeston 11/07/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oY5Qnn ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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502 35.70.7790.006-0 ICA Unknown Black Preston 25/08/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oY9Ngt ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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501 640510 FEA-B Unknown Willington 14/06/2023 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /199076887@N08 /53142203552 /in /dateposted-public / ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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500 640509 FEA-B Unknown Willington 14/06/2023 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /199076887@N08 /53143208440 /in /dateposted-public / ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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499 112258 OCA Unknown Weathered red Willington 19/07/2023 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /199076887@N08 /53143208340 /in /dateposted-public / ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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498 37.70.6791.019-2 HYA Unknown GBRF Blue Ilkeston 11/07/2023 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /199076887@N08 /53143272083 ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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497 81.70.6774.029-7 HOA (2) Unknown Grey Kensington Olympia 22/06/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oU1J8w ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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493 378232 378/2 Unknown Blue White Orange Kensington Olympia 22/06/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oPBoNA ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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486 701053 701/0 Unknown SWR White Blue Yellow Eastleigh Station 16/06/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oJYqPh ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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483 701043 701/0 Unknown SWR White Blue Yellow Eastleigh Station 07/06/2023 https: / /flic.kr /p /2oGUDEy ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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469 60026 Unknown Unknown Beacon Rail Blue Eastleigh Station Sidings 09/10/2019 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /184921578@N07 /shares /j04SpU0L15 ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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465 57312 Unknown Unknown ROG Blue Eastleigh Station Sidings 02/12/2019 https: / /flic.kr /p /2hTZ3cW ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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462 144003 144 (2) Unknown Metro Train red/cream Skipton 06/05/1989 Note Tilcon PGA in background (at Wagon Repair Depot?) https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52397931458 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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461 47436 47/4 Unknown BR Large Logo blue Farington Curve 11/03/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52402410991 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
460 47485 47/4 Unknown BR Large Logo blue Kirkham and Wesham 20/05/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52402886785 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
459 53421 104 Unknown BR blue 06/05/1987 With white cab roof https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52412024348 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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458 77182 (1) 504 Unknown Greater Manchester orange/brown Bury Interchange 27/04/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52412033028 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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457 53520 104 Unknown BR blue Parbold 14/05/1988 Showing set number N678 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52412672981 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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456 19543 Unknown Unknown BR blue/grey Kirkham, Ribby Hall 13/04/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52413333418 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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455 303066 303 Unknown Greater Manchester orange/brown Manchester Piccadilly 06/03/1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52413156259 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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454 51818 Unknown Unknown grey Preston, Strand Road 18/04/1983 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52416132028 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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453 37201 37/0 Unknown BR blue Preston, Strand Road 18/04/1983 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52416132028 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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452 50772 105 Unknown BR blue Bamber Bridge 15/05/1981 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52416083770 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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451 53517 104 Unknown BR blue Leyland Station 16/05/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52418871179 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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450 50594 104 Unknown BR blue Ipswich 27/04/1980 Showing set number 77 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52421071596 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
449 142037 142 (2) Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Leyland Station 01/01/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52427722306 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
448 87011 87/0 Unknown BR blue Preston Station 06/07/1982 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52427240507 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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447 47440 47/4 Unknown BR Large Logo blue Leyland Station 24/06/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52431642093 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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446 2 485 Unknown BR blue/grey Shanklin 21/06/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52435534189 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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445 485041 485 Unknown BR blue/grey Shanklin 21/06/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52435534189 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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444 87026 87/0 Unknown BR blue Stafford 29/06/1985 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52435737895 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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443 51919 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Croston 26/10/1985 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52435823273 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
442 307105 307 Unknown BR blue Liverpool Street 22/10/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52439413676 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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441 52028 107 Unknown BR blue Carlisle 25/03/1979 Showing set number 148 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52444560318 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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440 55022 50/0 Unknown BR blue York 23/09/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52444502460 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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439 86245 86/2 Unknown Inter City Crewe 04/07/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52465166518 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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438 60085 60 Unknown Sector grey with Transrail branding Warrington Arpley, Slutchers Lane 17/06/2000 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52464138542 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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437 86426 86/4 Unknown BR Electric Blue retro Farington Curve Junction 16/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52464752636 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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436 47851 47/8 Unknown Inter City Swallow Brockenhurst 30/05/1998 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52464266127 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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435 20148 20 Unknown BR blue Stapleford and Sandiacre 30/08/1992 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52464886246 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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434 50794 105 Unknown BR blue Preston, Maudland 15/05/1982 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52468261121 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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433 508143 508/1 Unknown Merseytravel yellow/white Ainsdale 06/10/2002 With Arriva branding https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52468553704 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
432 90011 90/0 Unknown Inter City Swallow Preston Station 19/05/1998 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52471140820 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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431 1712 (2) 421/3 Unknown Network SouthEast revised New Milton 29/05/1998 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52470970214 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
430 51254 105 Unknown BR blue Lowestoft 27/04/1980 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52481557359 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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429 08870 08 Unknown BR blue Doncaster Works 12/07/1992 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52481768690 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
428 37426 37/4 Unknown Inter City Leyland Station 18/05/1992 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52481375917 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
427 54351 101 Unknown BR blue/grey Preston, Croft Street Sidings 12/10/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52493451015 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
426 53460 104 Unknown BR blue Leyland Station 11/06/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52502738515 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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425 53492 104 Unknown BR blue Farington Moss, Lodge Lane 04/03/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52502558329 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
424 03012 03 Unknown BR blue Mayer Newman, Snailwell 29/11/1980 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52508476676 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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423 53948 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Parbold 13/09/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52523364574 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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422 55017 55 Unknown BR blue Doncaster Works 27/02/1982 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52523638613 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
421 47228 47/0 Unknown BR blue Preston, Deepdale Mill Street 19/12/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52528012358 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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420 47320 47/3 Unknown Railfreight grey (original) Preston Dock Street Sidings 30/08/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52527020967 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
419 60046 60 Unknown Sector grey with no branding Warrington Bank Quay 24/05/2003 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52531654577 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
418 507009 507 Unknown BR blue/grey Freshfield 17/05/1992 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52532676113 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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417 101653 101 Unknown Regional Railways Chorley 21/10/1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52534298241 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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416 40195 40 Unknown BR blue Crewe Works 04/07/1987 Not scrapped in 1985? https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52534846273 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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415 53943 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Skipton 05/01/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52536807783 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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414 953194 ZTO Unknown Olive green? Rufford 13/11/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52538843728 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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413 460154 ZAA Unknown Railfreight red Rufford 13/11/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52538843728 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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412 982403 YHA Unknown grey/yellow Rufford 13/11/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52538843728 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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411 50017 50 Unknown Network SouthEast Cockwood, South Devon 24/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52553527674 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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410 156406 156 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Preston 04/06/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52557604000 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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409 40082 40 Unknown BR blue Preston Docks 20/07/1984 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52557696103 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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408 953521 ZTO Unknown brown Kirkham North Junction 20/05/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52560046180 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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407 47426 47/4 Unknown BR Large Logo blue Kirkham North Junction 20/05/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52560046180 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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406 73914 Unknown Unknown SB Rail white/blue Lostock Hall https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52559596551 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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405 302201 302 Unknown BR blue/grey Grays 04/03/1984 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52561616211 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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404 150232 150/2 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Neville Hill Depot 15/03/1987 With partial yellow ends https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52571756818 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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403 983159 ZFV Unknown grey/yellow Chester 17/10/1991 Visible in photo of 08702 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52571688165 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
402 08702 08 Unknown BR blue Chester 17/10/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52571688165 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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401 6506 Unknown Unknown BR blue/grey Starcross 25/05/1987 Partially visible in photo of 47560 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52573748401 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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400 47560 47/4 Unknown BR blue Starcross 25/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52573748401 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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399 53812 105 Unknown BR blue Southport, Windsor Road 23/09/1984 Hybrid unit with class 100 53355 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52573287687 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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398 53160 (2) 101 Unknown BR green Romiley 12/05/2001 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52577620101 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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397 142051 142 (2) Unknown Merseytravel yellow/white Bolton 15/11/2003 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52580328224 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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396 142021 142 (2) Unknown Provincial Skipper brown/cream Starcross 24/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52580346204 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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395 81002 81 Unknown BR blue Birmingham New Street 19/05/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52580587125 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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394 86240 86/2 Unknown BR blue Preston Station 15/08/1977 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52581374162 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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393 150131 150/1 Unknown Silverlink purple/green Bletchley 05/08/2000 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52581849131 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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392 51942 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Cocker Bar, Ulnes Walton 23/12/1982 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52582355814 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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391 43196 43 (2) Unknown Inter City Swallow Blackburn 18/11/1989 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52587648335 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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390 86205 (1) 86/2 Unknown BR blue Euston 19/02/1982 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52587491234 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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389 40044 40 Unknown BR blue Reddish Depot 24/09/1978 With accident damage https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52592866148 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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388 150225 150/2 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Chorley 17/03/1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52592878633 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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387 150146 150/1 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Manchester Victoria 13/07/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52593519106 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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386 78971 (1) 101 Unknown BR blue/grey Lostock Hall 28/04/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52593951445 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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385 306020 306 Unknown BR blue Shenfield 29/04/1980 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52626524253 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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384 405 Unknown BR blue Birds, Long Marston 12/10/1981 4384 and 4619 awaiting scrapping https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52626493010 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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383 31421 31/4 Unknown Regional Railways Kirkham and Wesham 08/06/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52627045456 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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382 51636 127 Unknown BR blue Cricklewood 20/10/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52628873919 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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381 150244 150/2 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Starcross 31/05/1995 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52628129402 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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380 47323 47/3 Unknown Railfreight Distribution European grey Tinsley Depot 09/07/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52630992286 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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379 08745 08 Unknown BR blue Tinsley Depot 09/07/1994 With white cab roof and named The Tyke https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52631247459 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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378 31455 (R) 31/4 Unknown Regional Railways Leyland Station 13/05/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52633646908 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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377 37421 37/4 Unknown Regional Railways Southport 13/05/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52633603665 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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376 65456 504 Unknown Greater Manchester orange/brown Woodlands Road 05/07/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52638926256 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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375 47830 47/8 Unknown BR Large Logo with small numbers Farington 07/09/1991 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52638930726 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
374 53365 105 Unknown BR blue Leeds 13/02/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52640300954 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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373 37098 37/0 Unknown BR blue Preston Dock Street Sidings 12/11/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52640579903 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
372 142071 142 (2) Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Lancaster 25/04/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52640581605 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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371 53531 104 Unknown BR blue Bamber Bridge, Brownedge Sidings 22/06/1985 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52640719945 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
370 60100 60 Unknown Sector grey with Mainline branding Warrington Arpley 15/02/2003 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52646451987 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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369 150248 150/2 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Exeter St Davids 31/05/1993 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52646973366 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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368 53733 120 Unknown BR blue/grey Leyland Station 25/01/1986 With class 111 centre car https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52650316132 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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367 08393 08 Unknown BR blue Swindon Works 22/02/1979 With bonnet doors removed, showing engine https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52650823591 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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366 101658 101 Unknown Regional Railways Blackpool North 27/10/1997 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52656520424 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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365 150143 150/1 Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Southport 11/05/1997 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52656248476 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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364 77178 (1) 504 Unknown Greater Manchester orange/brown Manchester Victoria 03/02/1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52657318735 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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363 47822 47/8 Unknown Inter City Swallow Preston Station 30/04/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52656881546 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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362 142064 142 (2) Unknown Provincial blue Salwick 24/04/1999 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52659257105 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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361 156424 156 Unknown Regional Railways Grange-over-Sands 03/05/1998 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52659325763 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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360 79105 (1) Unknown Unknown BR blue/grey Mayer Newman, Snailwell 29/11/1980 Awaiting scrapping with 79109 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52661261078 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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359 47166 47/0 Unknown BR blue Gloucester 19/05/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52660801296 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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358 975664 Unknown Unknown Provincial Sprinter blue Doncaster 13/02/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52666612712 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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357 56138 105 Unknown BR blue Stratford Low Level 22/10/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52669873012 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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356 306092 306 Unknown BR blue Stratford 22/10/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52670670274 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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355 5941 418/1 Unknown BR blue Lymington Pier 27/07/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52671038928 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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354 08099 08 Unknown BR blue Doncaster Works 17/06/1978 Missing middle axle https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52670559871 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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353 59402 506 Unknown BR blue Reddish Depot 18/06/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52671402570 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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352 D1034 52 Unknown BR blue Swindon Works 18/01/1978 Withdrawn https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52675759768 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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351 08744 08 Unknown BR blue Preston Station 05/05/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52674770282 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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350 87027 87/0 Unknown BR blue Preston 27/05/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52679547360 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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349 158749 158 Unknown Provincial Express Manchester Piccadilly 08/10/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52681407955 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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348 08945 08 Unknown BR blue Exeter St Davids 31/05/1993 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52684863766 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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347 50050 50/0 Unknown BR blue Exeter St Davids 31/05/1993 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52684367602 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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346 144018 144 (2) Unknown Metro Train red/cream Skipton 03/04/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52684464062 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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345 43080 43 (2) Unknown Inter City Swallow Preston 28/08/1993 DVT conversion https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52685308879 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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344 321901 321/9 Unknown Metro Train red/cream Doncaster 09/07/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52687461981 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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343 155343 155/1 Unknown Metro Train red/cream Bamber Bridge, Irongate 30/04/1994 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52686958212 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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342 47064 47/0 Unknown BR blue Exeter St Davids 28/07/1979 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52689006271 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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341 20198 20 Unknown BR blue Dundee West Goods 20/07/1981 Stored with 20028 and 20171 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52689435705 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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340 53925 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Leyland Station 19/06/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52699246650 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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339 08396 08/0 Unknown BR blue Wigan Springs Branch 12/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52699114304 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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338 53541 104 Unknown BR blue Bamber Bridge 24/10/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52715739366 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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337 53442 104 Unknown BR blue Bamber Bridge 31/01/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52723919681 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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336 51552 111 Unknown BR blue York 15/09/1978 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52725708644 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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335 977143 QPW Unknown Satlink red/yellow Bamber Bridge, Brownedge Sidings 20/04/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52725466821 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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334 51373 117 Unknown BR blue/grey Dawlish 28/05/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52732651376 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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333 51595 127 Unknown BR blue Elstree 12/04/1980 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52736232567 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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332 2013 (3) 432 (2) Unknown BR blue/grey Brockenhurst 24/07/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52745465355 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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331 53987 108 Unknown BR blue/grey Farington 29/08/1992 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52745063406 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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330 52063 108 Unknown BR blue/grey with black cab window surrounds Starcross 30/05/1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52758373105 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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329 53482 104 Unknown BR blue Preston Dock Street Sidings 24/01/1986 With major accident damage https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52760500866 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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328 25069 25/0 Unknown BR blue Wigan Springs Branch 15/07/1984 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52761667447 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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327 06002 06/0 Unknown BR blue Reading TMD 15/11/1981 With 97020 and 97804 (06003), for which it was to supply spare parts https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52762625871 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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326 55984 127 Unknown BR blue with Express Parcels lettering Preston, Croft Street Sidings 30/03/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /martynhilbert /52760933265 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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322 153935 153/9 Unknown Transport for Wales. Cardiff University Footbridge. 02/03/2023 Working 2V27 to Radyr. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /52722248319 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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321 769008 769/0 Unknown Transport for Wales. Cardiff University Footbridge. 02/03/2023 Working 2P55 to Penarth. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /52722411620 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
312 456024 456 Unknown Southern. Wandsworth Road. 19/08/2012 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /52681064101 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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311 66106 66/0 Unknown EWS. Restormel, Lostwithiel. 07/02/2023 Working china clay JIA wagons. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /52675104561 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
Click the ball icon to view the details of the approval status of this note.
195 47738 47/7 Unknown EWS red. Plymouth Station, Car Park. 02/11/2017 Remaining cab end on a lorry for transfer to South Wales. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /38071781236 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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194 47738 47/7 Unknown EWS red. Plymouth Station, Regional Interactive Safety Centre. 15/10/2008 Cab end only remaining. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /7157176354 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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193 3555 423/1 (2) Unknown Stagecoach SWT London Waterloo 09/02/2003 Stabled. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51798874517 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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192 1602 (2) 411/5 Unknown Connex. London Victoria. 12/02/2004 Only CEP to receive Connex livery. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /29804233927 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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191 09016 09/0 Unknown EWS. St.Blazey Depot. 24/10/2010 Stored, robbed. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /21987091382 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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190 158783 158/0 Unknown Central Trains. St.Austell. 30/08/2005 on hire to First Great Western. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /24939800496 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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189 158825 158/0 Unknown Ginsters Restormel, Lostwithiel. 30/08/2005 Promotional livery. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /24335501474 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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188 158842 158/0 Unknown The Western Mail. Cardiff West. 29/02/2004 Promotional livery. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /30854552638 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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187 170513 170/5 Unknown Robin Hood Line. Cardiff West. 29/02/2004 Promotional livery. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /30854431628 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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186 142057 142 (2) Unknown Merseyrail. Romiley 28/06/2002 Paused at station. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /27531709631 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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183 353224 CDA-R Unknown St.Blazey Depot. 18/04/2014 Builders plate. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /16831632471 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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179 992929 ZFV Unknown Civil Engineers Grey/Yellow (Dutch). Meldon Quarry. 16/04/2021 Preserved. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51119741149 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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178 731411 Unknown Unknown Meldon Quarry. 16/04/2021 Preserved. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51122463849 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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30 10611 Unknown Unknown Dartmoor Railway Green. Meldon Quarry. 16/04/2021 Stored. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51122149747 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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29 9501 Unknown Unknown Dartmoor Railway Green. Meldon Quarry. 16/04/2021 Heavily Vandalised. https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51119998921 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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22 370431 HHA Unknown Margam, Owens Lorry Park. 26/04/2021 Wagon in advanced stages of scrapping, but work abandoned. https: / /flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /51219650390 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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21 92524 PFA Unknown St Blazey Depot 19/03/1998 https: / /flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /45588098684 / ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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18 3023 PXA Unknown blue/black Hamworthy 09/1988 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2043995454 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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17 3019 PXA Unknown blue/black Hamworthy 07/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2043196353 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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16 3015 PXA Unknown blue/black Hamworthy 07/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2043195385 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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15 3012 PXA Unknown blue/black Hamworthy 07/1987 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2043194211 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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14 3007 PXA Unknown Sheerness Steel 2-tone blue Hoo Junction 06/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2034794087 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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13 3007 PXA Unknown Sheerness Steel 2-tone blue Hoo Junction 04/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2034793821 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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12 3005 PXA Unknown Sheerness Steel 2-tone blue Stewarts Lane 09/1985 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2034793445 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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11 3254 PXA Unknown TML blue Unknown 1990 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2043193191 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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10 2100 PXA Unknown Brown Immingham 09/1986 https: / /www.flickr.com /photos /hmillington /2034793275 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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9 153385 Unknown Unknown East Midlands blue/red/orange Eastleigh East Yard /0/02/022/ Network Rail VIU-3 Owner ball graphicApproved, semi/self
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8 3350 Unknown Unknown West Coast Railway Company, Maroon. Penzance, Slopers Siding. 01/07/2017 https: / /flickr.com /photos /nat37670 /35525745241 /in /photolist-W8hJmZ ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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1 390176 ZKA Unknown grey/yellow Didcot 27/11/2003 Rusty Rail Express Magazine issue 272 (January 2019) page M18 ball graphicApproved, auto/admin
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Data History
Item added: 12:00 on 01/01/2020 by Thomas Young
Approval status: ball graphic Approved, auto/admin
Item approved: 01/01/2020 by Thomas Young

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